Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Twitter as a Tool?! Yes.

Twitter is an interesting site. There is a wide spectrum of users on Twitter. You start with celebs tweeting juicy drama, to young people tweeting their friends and family a simple “Hi, I miss you”, and then you have teachers across the country sharing and spreading awesome ideas.

On Twitter discussions are held under the hashtag #edchat for Teachers and the rest of the Twitterverse to go and talk about different aspects of education. I really wanted to attempt an online discussion on Twitter so I tried it out. After a bit of time searching for something that sparked an interest to me I decided to respond to edutupias question pictured below.

I read through the responses and saw some that I really agreed with and others, like the one below, that I felt the need to comment on.

I never got a response from the person that I messaged and I really hope it wasn’t because I came on too strongly in the chat. I felt like if someone would have made a comment like the one he made in person I would have NEVER responded because I am just way too shy. I feel that this being an online chat really gave me the “guts” to be brave and just put myself out there.

It was also really interesting to see so many different thoughts on the role of parents in education. I for some crazy reason thought that everybody had to think like me. Parents must be actively involved and also teach their children basic life skills, and manners at home. Teachers are meant to teach about history, math, science, writing, literature, and yes, sometimes life but they shouldn’t be the only ones educating.

Educators were (obviously) smart enough to see Twitter as not just a social media site but as a resource. Now, Twitter has endless amounts of information available to the teachers out there that may be looking for a new way to spice up their classrooms.  

While exploring on twitter I found two really great resources. The first was about technology and how we can utilize a tool that many people already have—an iPhone. There are millions and millions of apps available for you to download straight onto your phone that you could utilize in a classroom. My favorite from the list of apps described was the iLEAP Pick a Student app. It does exactly what it says and creates a generator, that you can program students names into, and it will pick a student at random to take a turn at whatever it is you’re doing. In the classroom I work in now we still use the popsicles in a cup method—okay but boring!

The other resource I came across was Edutopia’s article on how to teach your student how to have a conversation. I think that as we’ve become more technologically advanced we’ve begun to lose a lot of human contact. We find it normal to just read and write a conversation  but find it more difficult to just talk on the phone with a person. That’s why I found these tips to be such a great resource because reiterating skills that we as humans know and trying to enforce them more often with sessions of turn taking ,where everyone stops and listens and questions what one individual is saying, can make a big impact on a students communication skills.

Well, that’s all for now! I hope you enjoy these resources and find some use for them in your own classroom or home.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you felt the Twitter "chat" (even though I'm not exactly sure you participated in an actual #chat) gave you the "guts" to say what you really think!
